Pincushion Peak is a beautiful hike near Fresno, California.

Pincushion Peak is a beautiful mountain peak located near Fresno, California. Take in 360-degrees views of Millerton Lake, San Joaquin Valley, and Big Table Mountain. This is a short, fun day-hike you don’t want to miss! Don’t forget to say hello to the cows roaming in the fields surrounding Pincushion Peak.

Know Before You Go

Two Trailheads

My husband and I have hiked to Pincushion Peak from two different trailheads. The length of each trail is similar. However, the elevation gain is slightly different. The first trail (I’ll refer to as Route #1) has about 700 feet of elevation gain and the other trail (Route #2) has about 1,000 feet of elevation gain. The latter has a short, steep incline (see more below). Both routes are good choices! We prefer Route #1, and you will learn why later.

Steep Incline

Route #2 involves a really steep incline once you reach closer to the Peak. It can be family friendly if you’re all in pretty decent shape! Hiking poles would definitely be helpful plus shoes with good traction. If it’s been rainy in that area, the ground may be muddy. If you do take on the incline, pat yourself on the back when you get to the top, you deserve it!

Leave No Trace

Before you go, please make sure you understand the Leave No Trace principles. These seven principles help reduce our environmental impact from outdoor recreational activities. Nature is meant to be enjoyed and respected. 🌱

  1. Plan ahead and prepare
  2. Travel and camp on durable surfaces
  3. Dispose of waste properly
  4. Leave what you find
  5. Minimize campfire impacts
  6. Respect wildlife
  7. Be considerate of others

About the Trail

Location: Friant, California near the Millerton Lake State Recreation Area.

Length & Elevation Gain: There are two routes: route #1 is a 2.5-mile hike with an elevation gain of 700 feet, and route #2 is a 2.5-mile hike with an elevation gain of 1,000 feet.

Hiking Time: It takes an average of 2 to 2.5 hours to complete each hike.

Route Type: Both routes are out-and-back.

Difficulty Rating: Route #1 is considered moderate and route #2 is considered hard.

Terrain: This trail consists of dirt, rocks/gravel, and small rock scramble.

Pet-friendly? No, pets are not allowed.

Man and woman posing for a picture along the Pincushion Peak Trail.
Pincushion Peak was our first hike in California!

How to Get to the Trailhead

Pincushion Peak is located in Friant, California near the Millerton Lake State Recreation Area. Like I said above, there are two different trailheads. We’ll discuss route #1 first.

Route #1: This trailhead is about 35 minutes north of Fresno, and it’s located off Sky Harbour Road – like right off the road. The parking lot is very small, so if it happens to be full when you get there then at least you have another route you can take which will be further down the road. There are no signs that indicate this is the Pincushion Peak trailhead but trust me, it is!

Put this address in google maps: Pincushion Peak Trailhead, Friant, CA 93626

Google Maps of Pincushion Peak Trailhead along the Sky Harbour Road near Fresno, California.

Route #2: This trailhead is about 45 minutes north of Fresno, and it’s located at the South Finegold Picnic Area. It’s about an 8 minutes’ drive between this trailhead location and the first one (shown above). There is a $5 fee to park inside the picnic area, but free parking is available alongside the road outside of the parking area.

When we took this route in January 2023, the picnic area was closed, so we had no choice but to park on the side of the road. There’s plenty of space, too! There were lots of cars lined up when we went. Inside the picnic area, near the bathrooms, there will be a sign that displays several different trails, including Pincushion Peak. This is where you will begin the hike!

Put this address in google maps: South Finegold Picnic Area, Friant, CA 93626

Google Maps of Pincushion Peak Trailhead at South Finegold Picnic Area near Fresno, California.

Trail Directions

Route #1 – Starting at Tiny Parking Area Off Sky Harbour Road

This is the route we have taken the most. Out of the four times we have been, we have gone this way three times. This is definitely our favorite route! I personally feel like the views are better this way, and it doesn’t have a crazy steep incline like the other route.

I’m always down for a challenge but coming back down that incline is a bit sketchy. Anyway, the trailhead for this route starts at the tiny parking area off of Sky Harbour Road. You will see a gate to the left that you will probably have to unlock then walk through.

No trail markers or signs! The trail is maintained fairly well so you will know you are on a trail the whole time, but there are other trails along the way. It can cause some confusion when trying to stay on the right path towards Pincushion Peak. Once you see the Peak (look at pictures ahead of time for reference), it will make it easier to stay on the right trail.

To begin this hike, pass through a small gate. It might be locked and closed, but you can simply unlock and open it. Make sure to close it behind you!

Take a left up the trail. Continue straight until you reach a junction then take a right. Hike up the hill until you reach another junction then go left.

Continue hiking straight up the mountain. You will eventually see Pincushion Peak. Once at the bottom of the Peak, you can either go right or left. It all leads to the Peak. We recommend going left first then coming back around the other side.

The views from the left side of Pincushion Peak are amazing! This is also where we saw all the wildflowers blooming. Continue around and upwards until you reach the top of Pincushion Peak.

Purple wildflowers on each side of the Pincushion Peak Trail.

Enjoy the breathtaking views! Once you’re ready to start hiking back to your vehicle, you can either take a left or right down the mountain.

If you came up the left side, then go to the right down the mountain. This involves a little bit of rock scrambling, but nothing too crazy. Now, simply retrace your steps back towards the little parking area.

Views of the San Joaquin River
from Pincushion Peak in California.

Route #2 – Starting at South Finegold Picnic Area

We have only taken this route one time, so my memory of the exact directions may not be the best. Therefore, I would recommend finding another source for detailed hiking directions for this route. There are not any signs once you get past the initial sign at the trailhead. Plus, there are other trails that can, once again, cause some confusion.

This trail is typically pretty busy, especially during the summertime, so you could always follow the crowd (that is, if they are heading towards Pincushion Peak). There is a junction that splits into two different trials. Keep going right if you want to reach the Peak. The other trail, to the left, is the San Joaquin River trail.

There is a very steep incline you will have to tackle. Make sure your shoes have good traction, and if you brought hiking poles, this would be a good time to use them.

Keep following the trail until you reach the bottom of Pincushion Peak. Like I mentioned above, there are two different ways to reach the top. One involves a fun little rock scramble (keep going straight on the trail) or you can go around to the other side of the Peak to reach the top.

Views of the San Joaquin River and Pincushion Peak Trail from the top of Pincushion Peak in California.

We Vlogged Our Experience!

Hiking to Pincushion Peak in 2022 and watching sunset (2023)

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Let's take a hike to Pincushion Peak located in California.
Pincushion Peak is a beautiful hike near Fresno, California.