December 24, 2022: Our First Hike in California

I’m so happy we made the most of our first few weekends in California before that ginormous rainstorm came through which lasted FOREVER! Being new to California, my boyfriend (now husband) and I figured this was normal to have wet rainy winters in the central area. We were kind of right but not this much rain!

Thankfully, in the Fresno area, we did not have too much flooding, but other areas, especially up north along the coast, were not so lucky. Anyway, the weekend before the heavy, long lasting rainy weather started, we went on our first hike in California! We decided to hike to Pincushion Peak.

We started off our hike from a small parking area off the side of Sky Harbour Road. We passed through a gate and started the gradual uphill climb to the Peak.

The trail was moderately challenging, and the views were amazing along the way. As we got closer to Pincushion Peak, the trail splits. We took a left. We found an awesome spot to take pictures with gorgeous views.

Woman and man enjoying the views from Pincushion Peak in California.

This section of the trail was slightly slanted and gravely. A little bit slippery, but not too bad. We reached the top and were in awe of the breathtaking views. So worth it!

We ended up exploring more of the area and hiking up and down other unknown trails just for fun. The weather was perfect. The views were perfect. I had the perfect hiking partner. Everything that day was just perfect!

Woman and man sharing a kiss while exploring around Pincushion Peak in California.

Our Rating of Pincushion Peak

We give this trail a solid 9/10!

Rating: 9 out of 10.

What we liked: awesome views during hike & 360-views at the top; able to see San Joaquin River and Big Table Mountain; challenging hike (we like challenges); cows roaming around; great sunset spot.

What we didn’t like: no signs on the trail. There are several other trails in the area so it can be confusing.

Hike to Pincushion Peak in California!

Interested in hiking this trail?? Click the button below to learn more and plan your next adventure! ✨

We Vlogged Our Experience!

Hiking to Pincushion Peak (2022) and watching sunset (2023)