Our 2022 Adventures Our Adventure Journal

Sharp Top & Buzzard’s Roost: The Best Hike of the Three Peaks of Otter [06/06/2022]

Most of me and my husband’s favorite hikes we did in Virginia are located in the Shenandoah National Park. However, there is the Jefferson National Forest which is home to one of our top 5 favorite hikes in Virginia – Sharp Top Mountain. Sharp Top is very popular and is known as the best hike of the three Peaks of Otter.

Our 2022 Adventures Our Adventure Journal

Mary’s Rock: This Trail Blew Us Away [07/18/2022]

According to one article I read, Mary’s Rock is not as popular as other spots in Shenandoah National Park, but when we went, it was one of the more crowded trails we’ve been on! Not overly crowded I’d say, but still quite busy. The beginning of this hike was so beautiful. So many small overlooks and openings with beautiful views. The trail was well-maintained and so full of greenery! It was a spectacular hike up to Mary’s Rock.

Our 2022 Adventures Our Adventure Journal

Jones Run-Doyles River Loop: My First Ever Solo Hike [04/16/2022]

Surprisingly, the Jones Run-Doyles River Loop trail was my first ever solo hike. It’s so crazy to me that I have never been on a solo hike before seeing as how I grew up my hiking with my family on our annual (sometimes bi-annual) vacations to the mountains and going to college in the mountains of North Carolina. I guess I always liked the company of someone being with me.

Our 2022 Adventures Our Adventure Journal

Rose River Falls and Dark Hollow Falls: Quality Time with My Parents [04/23/2022]

I’m actually typing this blog post over a year later, but from what I remember, my parents and I had a great time hiking to Rose River Falls and Dark Hollow Falls! It was well-maintained, not too challenging (e.g. family friendly), and an overall beautiful hike. The waterfalls were flowing quite nicely. Even though Dark Hollow Falls seems to be the most popular waterfall out of the two and slightly taller, I personally liked Rose River Falls better. Maybe because it was less crowded.

Our 2022 Adventures Our Adventure Journal

Cedar Run and Whiteoak Canyon: Our First Hike Together But We Get Lost [05/09/2022]

The Cedar Run and Whiteoak Canyon Loop was me and my husband’s (then boyfriend) first hike together! I was very much into hiking since I was a little kid, and he had been on a few hikes before. But this 8-mile hike to see a total of 8 waterfalls was the longest hike my husband has ever done. He was very excited for this adventure, and so was I!

Shenandoah National Park Virginia Virginia Hikes

Jones Run and Doyles River Loop Hike

How does hike to three beautiful waterfalls in Virginia sound? Good? Yeah, I figured! Located in Shenandoah National Park are the Jones Run Falls and Doyles River Falls. The latter is made up of two portions – an upper and lower falls. Although not the biggest waterfalls in Virginia, they’re still worth seeing, especially during the spring when waterfalls are much bigger. Add Jones Run-Doyles River Loop to your hiking bucket list!

California Hikes

Lone Pine Lake Hike: Beautiful Alpine Lake Near Mt. Whitney

Want to hike to a lake with snowy Sierra Nevada mountains on one side and the deserts of Alabama Hills on the other? Oh, you do!? In that case, add Lone Pine Lake to your hiking bucket list! Located in Southern California, this alpine lake sits at 10,000 feet above sea level along the Mt. Whitney Trail. Its peaceful tranquility is a perfect spot to slow down and sit with nature.

California Guides California Hikes

Mt. Whitney Hike in Snow in One Day: Our Greatest Accomplishment

Mt. Whitney is one of the most popular hikes in America. It is the tallest peak in the lower 48 states standing at 14,505 ft. above sea level. The summit is quite accessible for most avid hikers thanks to a well-developed and maintained trail. However, this is by no means an easy trek due to the length, elevation gain, and altitude. Be prepared with mountaineering gear if planning to hike this beast when there is lots of snow. Always do your research and again be prepared!