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California Guides Our 2023 Adventures Our Adventure Journal

Mojave Desert Weekend Getaway in California (March 2023)

This was our first time vacationing in the desert! I have personally never stepped foot on a desert until this time. We drove through the Mojave Desert when we moved to Fresno, California in December 2022, but at the time I didn’t know what wonders lie within southern California. I don’t remember what made us book a little weekend getaway to Mojave, California, but I’m so happy we did! In this blog post, I share our personal itinerary. It was a short trip but full of fun, outdoor adventures! I hope you will be inspired to create your own Mojave Desert weekend getaway. Enjoy! 🌡

California Guides Our 2023 Adventures Our Adventure Journal Yosemite National Park

Our 5-Day Yosemite Adventure (July-August 2023)

There are so many wonderful things to do and see in Yosemite National Park! It can be a bit stressful trying to narrow it down to the top places you want to see. A lot of people prefer to hang out around Yosemite Valley because it’s easy to drive around, lots of family-friendly hiking trails, and lodging/restaurant options. My husband and I have already experienced enough of Yosemite Valley, so we wanted to venture out to other parts of Yosemite, such as to Glacier Point, Hetch Hetchy, Mariposa Grove, Wawona area, and along Tioga Road. We went on an amazing 5-day Yosemite adventure!

California California Guides Yosemite National Park

Visit Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias: Ultimate Guide (2024)

Within Mariposa Grove, you will find a 3,000-year-old giant sequoia, ones with tunnels through them, some that have fallen exposing their massive roots, and unique giant sequoias with interesting shapes. This section of Yosemite National Park has so much to offer for all types of adventurers. It’s 100% worth making time to visit during your trip to Yosemite!

California Guides California Hikes

Mt. Whitney Hike in Snow in One Day: Our Greatest Accomplishment

Mt. Whitney is one of the most popular hikes in America. It is the tallest peak in the lower 48 states standing at 14,505 ft. above sea level. The summit is quite accessible for most avid hikers thanks to a well-developed and maintained trail. However, this is by no means an easy trek due to the length, elevation gain, and altitude. Be prepared with mountaineering gear if planning to hike this beast when there is lots of snow. Always do your research and again be prepared!