Harkening Hill and Johnson Farm - Hike This Fascinating Loop Trail

Harkening Hill is part of the three Peaks of Otter located within the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia. It is the smallest peak with a height of 3,364 feet as compared to Flat Top and Sharp Top (the other two peaks). This hike is full of fun things to see, including an old farm! Harkening Hill and Johnson Farm Loop Trail is the perfect family-friendly (and pet-friendly) hike to do year-round!

Know Before You Go

Leave No Trace

Before you go, please make sure you understand the Leave No Trace principles. These seven principles help reduce our environmental impact from outdoor recreational activities. Nature is meant to be enjoyed and respected. 🌱

  1. Plan ahead and prepare
  2. Travel and camp on durable surfaces
  3. Dispose of waste properly
  4. Leave what you find
  5. Minimize campfire impacts
  6. Respect wildlife
  7. Be considerate of others

About the Trail

Harkening Hill and Johnson Farm Loop

Location: This trail is located within the Jefferson National Forest in Bedford, Virginia.

Length & Elevation Gain: It’s about 4 miles with an elevation gain of 905 feet.

Hiking Time: It takes an average of 2 to 3 hours to complete this hike.

Route Type: This is a loop trail.

Difficulty Rating: Most people rate this hike as moderate (depending on fitness level).

Terrain: This trail has dirt, rocks, and grassy fields.

Pet-friendly? Yes! Your furry friend must be a on leash.

How to Get to the Trailhead

The Harkening Hill and Johnson Farm Loop trailhead is located at milepost 85.6 off of the Blue Ridge Parkway. The trailhead parking area is shared with the Peaks of Otter Visitor Center. The beginning of the hike starts behind the Visitor Center and passed the amphitheater to the left.

Put this address in Google maps: Johnson Farm Trailhead, Buchanan, VA 24066

Google Maps of Harkening Hill and Johnson Farm trailhead in Virginia.

Trail Directions

We have actually hiked Harkening Hill and Johnson Farm loop trail twice. The first time we went clockwise and the second time we attempted the go counterclockwise but got confused and went a weird way where we had to retrace our steps from Harkening Hill to reach Johnson Farm.

The beginning of this hike is located behind the Peaks of Otter Visitor Center and passed the amphitheater to the left. Follow the Harkening Hill Trail towards the summit. The elevation gain is not as crazy as Sharp Top or Flat Top.

Man hiking on the Harkening Hill Trail with beautiful fall foliage all around.

There will be a sign at the top letting you know you have reached the summit of Harkening Hill! Find a nice place to relax before continuing on.

Sign that says "Summit - Harkening Hill - Elev. 3364 [feet]".

There are a few rocky outcrops at the top where you can sit and enjoy the breathtaking views. The hardest part of the hike is out of the way!

Views of mountains covered in fall foliage from the summit of Harkening Hill located in Virginia.

Now, continue on the Harkening Hill Trail until you reach an intersection. If you are interested in checking out the “Balance Rock” then take a right.

Trail sign along the Harkening Hill Trail that points to the summit of Harkening Hill, Balance Roc, Johnson Farm, Restuarant & Lodge, and Visitor Center.

Ta-da! It’s a rock… that’s balancing on another rock. It’s actually pretty cool! Worth the few extra steps to see.

A big rock balancing on another rock known as "Balance Rock" on the Harkening Hill Trail.

Retrace your steps back to the intersection and take a right. Continue on the Harkening Hill Trail. There is a fire road that goes straight but make sure you continue to the right. You will eventually reach another intersection. Take a left to get onto the Johnson Farm Loop Trail.

Follow this trail for a short distance until you reach the Johnson Farm. Explore the area and read the educational plaques to learn more about this farm.

An educational plaque with historical information about The Johnson Farmhouse with the actual farmhouse in the distance with fall foliage all around.

The Johson Farm Loop Trail continues to the left of the farmhouse (if facing the front of the house) near the barn/shelter-looking building. You will eventually walk through a big, beautiful grassy area. There will be another education plaque about “The Hotel Mons” which used to be a popular resort hotel that opened in the 1850s and stayed up and running until the late 1930s.

Grassy area along the Johnson Farm Loop trail at the Peaks of Otter in Virginia.

To finish up the loop, follow a short path beside the road to return back to the parking lot at the Peaks of Otter Visitor Center. Congrats, you did it! πŸ₯³

Don’t Make Our Mistake!

So, here’s what happened… we effed up. We successfully completed the Harkening Hill and Johnson Farm Loop Trail the first time by hiking the loop clockwise. Easy peasy. Well, the second time we decided to hike this trail we wanted to go the other way. Shouldn’t be too hard, right?

Wrong! Well, actually it’s not that hard. There’s just one tricky part at the very beginning that can make or break this hike. I’m being a bit dramatic, but it was annoying having to back track.

Here’s the story. We parked Olive, our car, at the Peaks of Otter Lodge. We crossed through the underground tunnel to reach the other side of the Blue Ridge Parkway. There were two trail signs close by to each other. This is where we went wrong.

We didn’t know which one to take but they both said Johnson Farm. We just picked one without thinking it through. When we reached the intersection, we realized we messed up. One way went to Harkening Hill and the other way went to Johnson Farm.

In order to hit both spots we would have to back track. We decided to hike up to the summit of Harkening Hill first then retrace our steps back to get to Johnson Farm next. We weren’t able to complete the entire loop this way. But we still got to see what we wanted to see! Plus, we went in the fall this time around, so the fall foliage was out of this world!

Fall foliage along the Harkening Hill Trail in Virginia.

So, with all that being said… don’t make our mistake if you want to hike the entire Harkening Hill and Johnson Farm Loop going counterclockwise! It can be easily avoided by taking the correct trail in the beginning.

If you were parked at the Peaks of Otter Visitor Center, then follow the path beside the road to reach the Johnson Farm trailhead on the east side of the Visitor Center. You will see the first trail sign – ignore it! Walk passed it and continue until you reach the second trail sign. Follow the SECOND sign to get onto the Johnson Farm Loop Trail.

If you were parked at the Peaks of Otter Lodge, then followed the paved path through the underground tunnel to cross the Blue Ridge Parkway. Again, follow the trail sign that’s farthest to the right. Basically, you want to take the right side of the Johnson Farm Loop trail versus the left.

Trail map of Harkening Hill and Johnson Farm along with Peaks of Otter Visitor Center, Lodge, and Abbot Lake with the Blue Ridge Parkway passing through.
Map provided by the National Park Service

Alternate Routes

Harkening Hill Trail – this is a short 3 mile out-and-back hike to the top of Harkening Hill. It’s rated as moderate difficulty. This hike begins behind the Peaks of Otter Visitor Center.

Harkening Hill Loop – this is a loop hike that’s a little over 3 miles long. It’s rated as moderate difficulty. This hike can begin behind the Peaks of Otter Visitor Center or in front of the Peaks of Otter Lodge across the Blue Ridge Parkway. Just depends on where you park your vehicle.

Johnson Farm Loop – this is an even shorter loop hike that takes you to the Johnson Farm. This hike is about 2 miles long and rated as easy. You can begin at the Peaks of Otter Visitor Center and walk down to the trailhead (located to the right or east of the Visitor Center) or you can park at the Peaks of Otter Lodge and cross the Blue Ridge Parkway (through an underground tunnel) to reach the trailhead.

We Vlogged Our Experience!

Hiking Harkening Hill in 2023
Hiking Harkening Hill in 2022

Hike More at the Peaks of Otter

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Hike this fascinating loop trail to Harkening Hill of the Peaks of Otter in Virginia.
Harkening Hill and Johnson Farm loop hike located in Virginia.