July 18th, 2022: This Trail Blew Us Away

According to one article I read, Mary’s Rock is not as popular as other spots in Shenandoah National Park, but when we went, it was one of the more crowded trails we’ve been on! Not overly crowded I’d say, but still quite busy.

We began our hike from the Pinnacles Picnic Ground. There are a few other places to start this hike, but for some reason (I can’t remember the reason), we chose to start here. And I’m glad we did!

The hike was gorgeous from the very beginning and stayed that way almost the entire time. So many small overlooks and openings with beautiful views. The trail was well-maintained and so full of greenery! It was a spectacular hike up to Mary’s Rock.

Mary's Rock in Virginia.

Interested in hiking this trail?? Click the button below to learn more and plan your next adventure! ✨

The biggest downside, besides the summit being pretty crowded, was the wind. It was SO windy! Not a huge deal, but my boyfriend (now hubby) almost lost his hat, and my hair flew up and poked me in the eyeball a few too many times. Not a good feeling.

Overall, we had a great time! Definitely worth it. Maybe next time we will go earlier in the morning to avoid the crowds. And hopefully the wind will be much calmer. πŸ˜‰

Husband and wife taking a selfie on top of Mary's Rock in Shenandoah National Park.

Our Rating of Mary’s Rock from Pinnacles Picnic Ground

We give this trail a solid 9/10!

Rating: 9 out of 10.

What we liked: Beautiful summit hike; many overlooks along the way with spectacular views; well-maintained trail; challenging hike; so much greenery.

What we didn’t like: Very windy that day; a bit too crowded at the summit.

Husband and wife posing on top of Mary's Rock in Shenandoah National Park.

We Vlogged Our Experience! Watch Below!