Take on this challenging 3.5-mile (one-way) hike uphill to a knobby, craggy peak that towers over the town of Sylva. Sitting at 5,008 feet in elevation, The Pinnacle offers stunning panoramic views of Sylva, Plott Balsam mountain range, and the Great Smoky Mountains.

This out-and-back hike in Pinnacle Park via the West Fork Trail takes you along an old rocky logging road through a beautiful forest to an open grassy ridge and finally, to the rocky summit of The Pinnacle. The views are rewarding and worth every step. Lace up your hiking boots and take on this incredible yet challenging hike near Sylva, North Carolina!

Know Before You Go

Pinnacle Park

Pinnacle Park is a 1,529-acre tract of land owned by the town of Sylva. It was previously used as the watershed (an area of land that channels rainfall, snowmelt, and runoff into a common body of water). In 1991, Pinnacle Park was leased to the Pinnacle Park Foundation for developing hiking trails.

Permit Required (free)

The hiking trails and backcountry camp sites within Pinnacle Park are free, however, you must obtain a permit. One can be filled out and turned in at the trailhead kiosk. Another way to complete a permit is fill one out on your phone. Scan the QR code via this link to complete the permit form.

Leave No Trace

Before you go, please make sure you understand the Leave No Trace principles. These seven principles help reduce our environmental impact from outdoor recreational activities. Nature is meant to be enjoyed and respected. 🌱

  1. Plan ahead and prepare
  2. Travel and camp on durable surfaces
  3. Dispose of waste properly
  4. Leave what you find
  5. Minimize campfire impacts
  6. Respect wildlife
  7. Be considerate of others

About the Trail

The Pinnacle via Pinnacle Park’s West Fork Trail

Location: North of Sylva, NC along the Plott Balsam mountain range within Pinnacle Park.

Length & Elevation Gain: It’s about 7 miles with an elevation gain of 3,000 feet.

Hiking Time: It takes an average of 4 to 6 hours to complete this hike.

Route Type: This is an out-and-back hike.

Difficulty Rating: Hard to strenuous depending on fitness level.

Terrain: This trail consists of dirt and lots of gravel/rocks.

Pet-friendly? Yes! Your furry friend must be a on leash.

How to Get to the Trailhead

The trailhead to The Pinnacle is located at the end of Fisher Creek Road in Pinnacle Park just north of Sylva, NC. The gravel parking area is fairly small and does not have any facilities.

Parking area at Pinnacle Park for the trailhead of The Pinnacle and Blackrock Mountain.

Put this address in Google maps: Pinnacle Park Parking, North Carolina 28779

Google Maps of Pinnacle Park parking area and the trailhead for The Pinnacle hike located near Sylva, NC.

Trail Directions

Begin your hike at the Pinnacle Park trailhead. Take a look at the wooden kiosk for important information. Don’t forget to fill out a permit form if you have not already!

Wooden kiosk at Pinnacle Park with informational bulletins.

Walk around a metal gate and follow the trail looking for purple and gold trail markers. You will soon reach a small spillway dam on Fisher Creek. This is the remains of Sylva’s former watershed.

Sylva's former watershed along the starting of the Pinnacle Park trail.

Hope your calf muscles are ready for this uphill climb! In about 0.3 miles, you will reach the first trail sign. Veer left to get onto the West Fork Trail.

Trail sign with one way going to West Fork Trail and other way going to East Fork Trail in Pinnacle Park.

The grueling climb continues. The rocky terrain adds to the challenge! At the 0.5-mile mark, you will see a giant rock with a fissure down the middle. It’s a really neat rock to stop and look at.

Giant rock with a big fissure down the middle.

Continue following the West Fork Trail through a few small creek crossings. At about the 2-mile mark, you will reach a trail junction. There is a sign to help guide you. Take a left onto The Pinnacle Trail.

Junction in the trail with a sign pointing towards The Pinnacle to the left and Blackrock Mountain to the right.

The hike continues uphill but will soon level out a bit into a much easier climb. In late spring, expect to see lots of blooming rhododendron. This portion of the trail is beautiful! But just wait until you reach the summit.

Woman hiking through the woods along The Pinnacle Trail near Sylva, NC.

You will pass a campsite at the 3.2-mile mark. The trail becomes quite narrow here through dense foliage. The trail will shortly open up to the summit of The Pinnacle.

If brave enough, scramble to the top of The Pinnacle. Be careful as there are dangerously steep drop-offs! Also, be careful when looking out in the distance as your jaw may drop from the breathtaking views. 😜

Views from the top of The Pinnacle near Sylva, North Carolina.

Find a spot to rest and eat a snack. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water!

To return to the parking area, simply retrace your steps. If you want to add a few more miles, take a left at the big intersection to reach Blackrock Mountain. There will be a trail sign to help guide you!

ADVENTURE JOURNAL: My husband and I hiked both Blackrock Mountain and The Pinnacle in one day and it was intense! Talk about a quad burner! Read all about it here.

Congrats, you did it! πŸ₯³

Alternate Route

The Pinnacle via Pinnacle Park’s West Fork & East Fork Trails

This route is less traveled as compared to the direct out-and-back route to The Pinnacle as described above. According to AllTrails, this loop route is 7.6 miles with 2,500 feet of elevation gain. The difficulty of this hike is still considered hard to strenuous.

You can choose to go either clockwise or counterclockwise. Some sources report that the East Fork Trail is not as maintained as the West Fork Trail and may be overgrown in the warmer months. I would recommend using a trust-worthy offline map app of your choice to help navigate this route.

Pinnacle Park trail map from AllTrails.
Map provided by AllTrails

We Vlogged Our Experience!

Hiking to The Pinnacle in 2023

More Great Hikes in Western NC

Blackrock Mountain – take on this tough 7-mile out-and-back hike to a unique giant bolder with breathtaking views of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Blackrock Mountain sits at 5,802 feet which makes it one of the highest peaks of the Plott Balsam Mountain Range.

Graveyard Fields – hike 3 miles roundtrip through Graveyard Fields. Walk along wooden boardwalks and, in the springtime, see beautifully bloomed flowers. This hike offers views of a lower falls and, the more popular, upper falls.

Waterrock Knob – take a short hike (0.5 miles one-way) to this very popular spot right off of the Blue Ridge Parkway. It’s a perfect spot to watch sunset!

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Let's go on a hike to The Pinnacle at Pinnacle Park near Sylva, NC.
The Pinnacle at Pinnacle Park near Sylva, North Carolina.