April 23rd, 2022: Quality Time with My Parents

I’m actually typing this blog post over a year later (hehe), but from what I remember (and after rewatching the vlog), my parents and I had a great time hiking to Rose River Falls and Dark Hollow Falls! It was well-maintained, not too challenging (e.g. family friendly), and an overall beautiful hike. The waterfalls were flowing quite nicely. Even though Dark Hollow Falls seems to be the most popular waterfall out of the two and slightly taller, I personally liked Rose River Falls better. Maybe because it was less crowded.

Rose River Falls along the Rose River Falls Loop trail in Shenandoah National Park in Virginia.
Rose River Falls

Dark Hollow Falls definitely deserves the hype as it is a beautiful waterfall. But the experience was slightly ruined from the many tourists. Yes, I know, we were tourists as well. With that being said, get there early to beat the crowd! Next time I go, I will make sure I get there as the sun’s coming up or going down.

Base of Dark Hollow Falls in Shenandoah National Park in Virginia.
Dark Hollow Falls
Rose River Falls and Dark Hollow Falls in Virginia.

Interested in hiking this trail?? Click the button below to learn more and plan your next adventure! ✨

Our Rating of Rose River and Dark Hollow Falls

We give this trail a solid 7.5/10!

Rating: 7.5 out of 10.

What we liked: two beautiful waterfalls; quality family time; well-maintained trail; lots of parking at Fishers Gap.

What we didn’t like: Dark Hollow Falls was very crowded! That’s it.

My parents posing in front of Rose River Falls in Shenandoah National Park in Virginia.
My parents posing in front of Rose River Falls

We Vlogged Our Experience! Watch below!