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California Guides Our 2023 Adventures Our Adventure Journal Yosemite National Park

Our 5-Day Yosemite Adventure (July-August 2023)

There are so many wonderful things to do and see in Yosemite National Park! It can be a bit stressful trying to narrow it down to the top places you want to see. A lot of people prefer to hang out around Yosemite Valley because it’s easy to drive around, lots of family-friendly hiking trails, and lodging/restaurant options. My husband and I have already experienced enough of Yosemite Valley, so we wanted to venture out to other parts of Yosemite, such as to Glacier Point, Hetch Hetchy, Mariposa Grove, Wawona area, and along Tioga Road. We went on an amazing 5-day Yosemite adventure!