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California California Hikes Joshua Tree National Park

Arch Rock and Heart Rock in Joshua Tree NP

If you’re a fan of one-of-a-kind rock formations, you can’t miss this gem on your Joshua Tree National Park itinerary! Picture yourself strolling along the serene Arch Rock Trail, immersing yourself in the breathtaking desert scenery. As you wander, you’ll encounter a mesmerizing array of ancient rock creations, but none quite as captivating as Heart Rock and Arch Rock themselves. These natural wonders stand as testaments to the park’s geological history, inviting you to explore, photograph, and marvel at their unique beauty.

California California Hikes Joshua Tree National Park

Wall Street Mill: Historical Hike in Joshua Tree

Want to visit one of California’s best-preserved historical gold mill? Well, head on over to Joshua Tree National Park and hike along the Wall Street Mill Trail! On this short hike, you will see many amazing artifacts from the past, including an old homestead, rusted vehicles from the early 1900s, and the famous Wall Street Mill.

This site is listed in the National Register of Historic Places, so please be respectful when you visit and do not take anything with you. This is an easy hike through the beautiful desert landscape. If you are into both hiking and history then this is the perfect little adventure for you!

California California Hikes Joshua Tree National Park

Split Rock Trail: Stunning Hike in Joshua Tree

Want to see Joshua Tree National Park’s magnificent desert landscape full of Joshua Trees and other beautiful plants along with boulder fields and unique rock formations? If you answered yes, then I have the perfect short and easy hike just for you!

The Split Rock Trail takes you through rocky and sandy terrain and up and over giant boulders with spectacular scenic views. It is a 2.5-mile loop trail but there is an opportunity for a short side quest to see a few more unique rock formations, such as Face Rock and Skull Rock. I definitely recommend the latter to the adventurers who want to add a few more miles to their hike. It will 100% be worth it!

California California Hikes Joshua Tree National Park

Skull Rock: Unique Rock Formation in Joshua Tree

Located conveniently off one of the main roads within Joshua Tree National Park, Skull Rock is a very popular tourist attraction. This rock formation has formed from many, many years of erosion. It got its name due to the erosion process resulting in two big eye sockets and the entire rock itself resembling the shape of a skull.

Although the rock formation itself is extremely popular, the trail does not get too crowded. Hike along the Skull Rock Nature Trail for a more peaceful experience. It’s short and easy with stunning views of the desert landscape. Explore the area, (carefully) climb some rocks, and learn more about the desert’s animals and plants. Add this hike to your itinerary when visiting Joshua Tree National Park!

California California Hikes Joshua Tree National Park

Cholla Cactus Garden: Amazing Spot in Joshua Tree

Explore one of the most unique areas in Joshua Tree National Park. Cholla Cactus Garden is full of prickly cacti and scenic views of the desert and mountains. This garden mainly consists of the famous teddy bear cholla cactus. They are able to easily multiply and thrive in this area.

There is a very short and easy trail that takes you through the Cholla Cactus Garden. We highly recommend visiting during sunrise or sunset to see the beautiful colors not only in the sky but also reflecting off of the chollas. In the spring, you will be able to see wildflowers blooming, too. This is a stunning spot in Joshua Tree National Park that you don’t want to miss!

California Guides Our 2023 Adventures Our Adventure Journal Yosemite National Park

Our 5-Day Yosemite Adventure (July-August 2023)

There are so many wonderful things to do and see in Yosemite National Park! It can be a bit stressful trying to narrow it down to the top places you want to see. A lot of people prefer to hang out around Yosemite Valley because it’s easy to drive around, lots of family-friendly hiking trails, and lodging/restaurant options. My husband and I have already experienced enough of Yosemite Valley, so we wanted to venture out to other parts of Yosemite, such as to Glacier Point, Hetch Hetchy, Mariposa Grove, Wawona area, and along Tioga Road. We went on an amazing 5-day Yosemite adventure!

California California Guides Yosemite National Park

Visit Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias: Ultimate Guide (2024)

Within Mariposa Grove, you will find a 3,000-year-old giant sequoia, ones with tunnels through them, some that have fallen exposing their massive roots, and unique giant sequoias with interesting shapes. This section of Yosemite National Park has so much to offer for all types of adventurers. It’s 100% worth making time to visit during your trip to Yosemite!

California California Hikes Yosemite National Park

Chilnualna Falls: Yosemite’s Most Underrated Waterfall

Hike to Yosemite’s most underrated waterfall known as Chilnualna Falls (pronounced “Chil-noo-al-na”). Located in the Wawona area of Yosemite National Park, this waterfall consists of 5 large cascades with the tallest one dropping 240 feet. The hike will take you through pine-dense forests, pass beautiful vistas, and offers spectacular views of Chilnualna Falls and its cascades.